

Deviation Actions

ThexFroggyxGirl's avatar

Literature Text


     You're walking down the hallway pondering the test you had last period when BAM! Starvation strikes you with the force of a bull! You seize your lunch box, ready to abduct any edible object you find, but you stop short after suddenly remembering your lunch is in there. Without that, you have nothing. Your mouth is a waterfall of saliva and other bodily fluids as you want to provide for yourself the vital nutrition needed to occupy the black hole gradually taking over inside your stomach. Hunger unsatisfied, you realize your next class is also lunch period, so you hasten your step.

     Energy revitalized now that you're in class with friends, you eagerly await the arrival of lunch time. Being productive, you discreetly watch the clock, listening to the tick tock tick tock of the hands as your friend talks about her prediction on how a new book she's reading will end. What book was she talking about? Huh, you have no idea. All you can think about is the few minutes separating you from the tangible reality of food.

     RIIIIIING! You're the first one out of your seat. While all your classmates were just now starting to gather their money and their premade meals, you already made it to the door leading out into the hallway, lunch box trailing just behind you. Odd, your lunch box feels lighter than usual. Racing down the stairs, you trip and stumble, but you're in such a hurry to get to the Cafeteria you subconsciously contradict yourself as if it never happened.

     Finally! You've made it to the Cafeteria! On your way inside, you remember that you forgot to reheat the leftover pizza you brought. Oh well, semi-warm pizza is good, too. You reach to the side of your backpack to retrieve your water bottle and you place it on the table. Sitting down in your usual spot, you open up your lunch box to bask in the glory that is your superlative food. Stomach growling from anticipation of food, you look inside and find....

So we have this English homework due today [in approximately 10 or so hours] and the assignment was...
:bulletpurple:Write a story about the School Cafeteria
:bulletpurple:Use the words Productive, Revitalize, and Prediction
:bulletpurple:Use one word for each prefix pro, re, and pre
:bulletpurple:Use one word for each root word duct, viv/vit, and dict
:bulletpurple:Use one word for each suffix ive, ize, and tion
I'm so proud of myself! I finished in less than an hour ^^

It's here now because I thought it was kind of a funny story :giggle:
Enjoy~! :iconexcitedflirtplz:
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